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Glow in the Dark Directional Marking Tape H8101C

  • Mid-performance glow in the dark marking tape

  • Also provides directional assistance

  • Afterglow of 4-6 hours after sufficient charge

Glow in the Dark Directional Tape

SKU: H8101C

Our H8101C glow in the dark directional tape is a chevron patterned photolu­min­escent egress tape with excellent glow in the dark properties.

The product has endless applications but the directional arrow markings combined with the glow in the dark properties can highlight exits, egress points, access routes and provide guidance down walkways and towards the aforem­en­tioned areas.

The directional egress tape produced is a midway point between our standard egress and high quality egress marking tape in terms of glow performance. The photolu­min­escent standards are excellent providing approximately 4~6 hours of glow based on a standard charge.­ This allows us to provide another level of glow in the dark tape, in terms of performance and price.

Glow in the Dark Directional Tape Specifi­cations

Glow in the dark directional egress tape features a black chevron print on the surface and then is covered with a laminate to prevent the print wearing during use. The top laminate gives the material a glossy finish, then when in a lights out situation, does not affect the tapes performance.

We produce this material in 50mmx10m rolls, as the arrows meet in the centre the sizes are fixed. Egress glow in the dark hazard marking tape is available should you require different sizes.

Surface print dimensions can be seen on the image to the right.

For more information on our glow in the dark directional tape, or to place an order, you can contact the sales team by phone, Live Chat or the contact us form on the website.

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6 Euro Innovation Business Park

Little Island, Cork T45 KF64 Ireland

Signs Inc. | Signage Surveying, Design, Manufacturing, and Installations | Cork, Ireland

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